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1. The impact of government ownership and control of anambra broadcasting service (...
» CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1.1 Background of the StudyMass media are very important tools of communication, through which information is passed to even the farthest end of the society. They enable us to communicate with each other by helping us to overcome the barriers of time and space. They perform both primary and secondary functions for the society.The media of mass communication are divided into...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 51 pages | 5,292 engagements | Source: Mass Communication Projects & Research Materials
2. Comparative study on the performances of government owned and privately owned me...
» Abstract This project examines the comparative study of the performances of government owned and privately owned broadcasting media organization (A study of FRCN and Raypower Radio stations Enugu). To achieve this, the survey method was adopted as the research method while the instrument of data collection was the questionnaire.The sample size was drawn using the stratified sampling technique. Two...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 54 pages | 5,017 engagements | Source: Mass Communication Projects & Research Materials
3. A critical analysis of value for money audit in public sector
» INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYAuditing has existed as long as man has been required to account for their transactions. A famous example is in St. Mathew’s Gospel (Chapter 25) when the rich man went on a journey and delivered his goods to a servant to look after them while he was away. On his return, he asked each of these servants to account for the goods with which he had been ent...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 92 pages | 0 engagements | Source: Mass Communication Projects & Research Materials
4. Audience perception of federal government removal of fuel subsidy in january 201...
» Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate Audience perception of federal government removal of fuel subsidy in Enugu metropolis. Three main research questions were formulated for the purpose of this study and other sub questions aimed at prying into audience perception, causes and effects of fuel subsidy removal in Nigeria. Survey research method was used because of its convenience, reliab...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 69 pages | 5,308 engagements | Source: Mass Communication Projects & Research Materials
5. Audience perception of africa independent television coverage of political news ...
» Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate Audience perception on coverage of political news programmes of Africa independent Television (AIT) in Enugu metropolis Enugu state. Three research questions guided the study. The data of this study were gathered through various Likert scale questionnaire. Statistical analyses of data collected were performed using, frequency distribution, percentag...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 62 pages | 5,229 engagements | Source: Mass Communication Projects & Research Materials
6. Communication as a tool for enhancing organizational performance
» Abstract The title of this project is communication as a tool for enhancing organizational performance. The aim of this study was to investigate the communication techniques used by the Nigerian Bottling Company and the effectiveness of such techniques. In carrying out this research, the primary and secondary data were used by the researcher.The survey method was used also. Questionnaires and Pers...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 77 pages | 6,239 engagements | Source: Mass Communication Projects & Research Materials
7. Audience perception of female models in advertising message
» Abstract This research work is aimed at analyzing (a study of always ultra commercials). The research method used was survey method and questionnaires being the instrument. The findings from the questionnaire shows that the audience, especially those in Enugu metropolis, now have positive perception of female models with the aid of the “Always ultra” commercials they watch on their TV...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 63 pages | 8,009 engagements | Source: Mass Communication Projects & Research Materials
8. Impact of anambra broadcasting service television (abs) business link programme ...
» Abstract In the dawn of this millennium where communication technologies have taken new and intriguing dimensions, television programmes have taken communication even to a much fascinating plane. The television has made it possible to receive and send information to and from far flung places with the speed of lightening.This study which centres on the effects of ABS television business link progra...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 71 pages | 5,336 engagements | Source: Mass Communication Projects & Research Materials
9. Impact of television broadcasting on electioneering campaigns
» Abstract CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1.1 Background of the StudyThat the mass media plays a vital role in the development process of a country is not again saying. The mass media generally regarded as a channel of communication that are capable of reaching heterogeneous audience simultaneously with uniform message. They regularly cover all sorts of issues such as health, music, fine art, crime, sport,...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 36 pages | 5,790 engagements | Source: Mass Communication Projects & Research Materials
10. Impact of channel o musical programmes on the cultural behavior of idah polytech...
» Abstract This study probes the impact which TV has on the cultural behaviour of idah polytechnic students. It specifically tackles the impact of channel O musical TV programes on the cultural behavior of idah polytechnic students. The research posits that the current trends in cultural behaviour of youths in Nigeria as observed among idah polytechnic students, kogi state is significantly associate...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 58 pages | 5,321 engagements | Source: Mass Communication Projects & Research Materials
11. Impact of bilboard advertising on product promotion
» Abstract INTRODUCTION1.1 Background of the Study:Advertising is one of the tools used for persuasive communication to target audience. Advertising is the communication relayed from companies to persuade an audience to purchase their products. This communication is usually through various forms of paid media…. TV and radio commercials, print advertising, billboards and more. Every communicat...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 52 pages | 5,055 engagements | Source: Mass Communication Projects & Research Materials
12. Impact of Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) on the economic development of enu...
» Abstract When the researcher chose the topic: Impact of Nigeria Television Authority on the Economic development of Enugu metropolis, she was inspired to find out the extent (NTA) Nigeria Television Authority has contributed on the economic development of Enugu metropolis. That the mass media plays a pivotal role in the development process of a country is not again a saying. The mass media general...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 53 pages | 4,972 engagements | Source: Mass Communication Projects & Research Materials
» AbstractThe study was designed to analyze the marketing of banana and plantain in Enugu State. Thespecific objectives were to: describe the socio economic characteristics of banana andplantain marketers; identify the marketing channels for the crops, examine the structure of themarketing system for both crops, estimate their marketing margins at both wholesale andretail levels, estimate the rate o...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 45 pages | 7,192 engagements | Source: Agriculture Projects & Research Materials
14. Impact of ekiti radio campaign against human trafficking in ido community of ido...
» Abstract The aim of this study was to analyze the “Impact of Ekiti Radio campaign against human trafficking in Ido community of Ido Osi Local government area. The study made use of survey research method. The study answered three research questions.From the research findings, it was observed that the programmes aired on Ekiti Radio helps in discouraging the practice of human trafficking. Sur...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 65 pages | 5,114 engagements | Source: Mass Communication Projects & Research Materials
» ABSTRACTThis study was undertaken to analyze resource productivity inornamental plants production within Jos metropolis of Nigeria. Thestudy covered Jos North and Jos South local government areas. Thespecific objectives include: identifying the effect of socio economicfactors on resource productivity, determining costs and returns, andresource productivity in ornamental plants production.An extens...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 45 pages | 5,530 engagements | Source: Agriculture Projects & Research Materials
» ABSTRACT This study was aimed at assessing the iron, zinc and anthropometric indices of pre schoolchildren aged 2 – 5 years in Ozubulu. A total of two hundred and forty (240) preschoolchildren were randomly selected. Questionnaire, anthropometric measurements, biochemicalanalysis and 3–day weighed food intake were used for data collection. Two hundred and forty(240) questionnaires were...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 70 pages | 5,263 engagements | Source: Education Projects & Research Materials
» RESOURCE USE AND EFFICIENCY AMONG FADAMA CROP FARMERS IN IBADAN/IBARAPA AGRICULTURAL ZONE OYO STATE, NIGERIA ABSTRACTThe study investigated the resource use efficiency among Fadama crop farmers in IbadanIbarapa agricultural zone of Oyo state, Nigeria. Data were collected from 120 respondents whowere randomly selected and interviewed using both interview schedule and questionnaire. Thedata collecte...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 30 pages | 5,757 engagements | Source: Agriculture Projects & Research Materials
» ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTS OF POLICY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRO BASED MICRO ENTERPRISES IN THE INFORMAL SECTOR OF BAYELSA STATE, NIGERIA ABSTRACTThis study was conducted to analyze the effects of policy on the developmentof Agro based micro enterprises in the informal sector of Bayelsa State ofNigeria. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data from 150 microenterprisesthat were randomly sel...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 45 pages | 5,287 engagements | Source: Agriculture Projects & Research Materials
» ABSTRACTEighty day old broiler chicks were used for feeding trial carried out to determinethe effect of graded levels of Rice Milling Waste (RMW) and Bioactive Yeast(Saccharomyces cerevisae) which has been shown to secrete enzymes that help todigest crude fiber and organic matter. This suggest that supplementing broilerration with bioactive yeast may improve the digestibility and efficiency ofutil...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 70 pages | 5,842 engagements | Source: Agriculture Projects & Research Materials
» Abstract The problem of poor acting has bedeviled the quality of production content of the Nigerian movie industry, and toomany ambitious Nigerians jump into acting without understanding the demands. This project which focused on theacting technique of a successful Nigerian actor is a qualitative study shall employ the interview methodology toinvestigate the techniques of the actor under study. Th...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 40 pages | 7,039 engagements | Source: Accounting Projects & Research Materials
» RURAL URBAN INTERDEPENDENCE ON FUEL WOOD IN ANAMBRA STATE, NIGERIA AbstractThis study examined the rural urban interdependence on fuel wood in Anambra State,Nigeria using cross sectional data. The study used purposive and random samplingtechniques for the selection of 120 gatherers that constituted respondents for thestudy. The study employed descriptive and relevant inferential statistics for dat...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 40 pages | 5,794 engagements | Source: Agriculture Projects & Research Materials
22. Impact of urhobo voice newspaper on development
» Abstract The title of this project is “Impact of Urhobo Voice Newspaper on Development of Ovwain Community in Udu Local Government Area of Delta State”. To achieve this objective, the study made use of the survey method which involved personal interview and administration of questionnaires on respondents in Ovwain Community and the aim of this exercise was to obtain the data needed for...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 55 pages | 5,498 engagements | Source: Mass Communication Projects & Research Materials
23. Impact of enugu state broadcasting service (e.s.b.s) radio on voters mobilizaito...
» Abstract This research work examined the impact of radio on voters mobilization with Enugu North municipality as a case study. The survey method was used for the study, this method was done to enable the researcher discuss findings especially as there is a widespread variables. In this research, the random sampling technique was used to draw a sample of 100 respondents from ten(10) wards in Enugu ...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 54 pages | 4,965 engagements | Source: Accounting Projects & Research Materials
24. Impact of integrated marketing communication on brand building
» Abstract This study was informed by the necessity of research in the impact of integrated marketing communication on brand building. A study of the transition of Zain to Airtel. The theory that was used during this research is the learning theory which postulates that exposure of certain models or message to a particular audience which was applied to this study. It was also observed that the audie...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 47 pages | 5,203 engagements | Source: Mass Communication Projects & Research Materials
25. Impact of ka oha malu radio Nigeria enugu phone in programme on residents of enu...
» Abstract The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of "ka oha malu" Radio Nigeria, Enugu phone in programme on residents of Enugu urban. To achieve this, survey research method was used. Subjects were drawn from Enugu urban, using simple random sampling and purposive sampling. Three research questions guided the study. Research findings showed that a great number of respondents in Enugu urba...Continue Reading »
Item Type: Project Material | 42 pages | 5,165 engagements | Source: Mass Communication Projects & Research Materials